What is an Inner Healing Session?

Inner Healing with a trained Minister of Prayer Counseling is a form of counseling, but using the word of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Not a technique. Holy Spirit leads; Jesus reveals his finished work on the cross for each individual.

Relationships are healed, including personal relationship with the true Father heart of God.

It is digging deep within the foundations of life to look for the bitter roots that formed in the first 6yrs of life – adversely affecting the way decisions were made (Matthew 3:10). We look for unrepentant sin, people to forgive, generational curses, generational sins, and identifying and breaking vows-that are similar to strongholds. Sin injures the person spiritually, physically and emotionally (Psalm 32:3.4).

MLM theme verse; “For God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made His light shine in (fill in your name) heart to give (your name) the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Christ” (2 Cor. 4:6).

Sessions are available on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. A free consultation is available for further questions or just to get acquainted. Simply call, or email Louise in the “Contact” tab. Forms can be previewed by clicking on the list below.
Cost is outlined in “Information for You" form.

Please download and complete the following forms:
Download Life History Form
Information for You
Liability Waiver
Ministry Disclaimer
Limits of Confidentiality

Please print and mail the forms via USPS, email to me, or deliver them if we meet prior to first session.

zevandarl@att.net (or) Louise Zevan, P.O. Box 12412, Reno, NV. 89510